Back to School & Martial Arts

What can we learn about the relationship of back to school and martial arts training? This blog will touch base on several reasons the two topics really should be thought of in the same sentence. Martial Arts Makes Back to School Easier on KidsIf you train year round in martial arts the advantages are numerous […]
Student Pledges help us Be Better

Students pledge to conduct themselves accordingly both at the dojang and in their daily life.
Martial Arts is focus and concentration

Martial Arts is Focus and ConcentrationI am so overwhelmed! So many responsibilities! Adulting is hard! That is a phrase I had never heard until maybe two or three years ago. It drives me crazy as the only people you hear saying it are, well…. keep reading. When most of us start feeling overwhelmed our defense […]
Learn From History

Learn from history by discussing it.Week three of our rotating curriculum here at AKF Lexington Martial Arts reserves time for us to discuss and learn from history. The reason for this is simple. Understanding how we got somewhere can help us treasure the experience and respect the results. Understanding mistakes that were made can help […]