No More Summer Break?

Keeping kids in martial arts through the summer can be highly beneficial for their physical, mental, and emotional development. Here are several reasons why parents should consider continuing martial arts training during the summer break:Summer Break for Physical FitnessPhysical Fitness: Martial arts provide a comprehensive workout that enhances cardiovascular health, strength, flexibility, and overall physical […]
Martial Arts Family Values

How martial arts can strengthen family valuesToday I want to explore the benefits of martial arts training on family values. A family must be established in a firm foundation to produce individuals with a healthy character. Martial arts can play a critical role in a child’s formative years to provide the encouragement and support necessary […]
Back to School & Martial Arts

What can we learn about the relationship of back to school and martial arts training? This blog will touch base on several reasons the two topics really should be thought of in the same sentence. Martial Arts Makes Back to School Easier on KidsIf you train year round in martial arts the advantages are numerous […]
Martial Arts is focus and concentration

Martial Arts is Focus and ConcentrationI am so overwhelmed! So many responsibilities! Adulting is hard! That is a phrase I had never heard until maybe two or three years ago. It drives me crazy as the only people you hear saying it are, well…. keep reading. When most of us start feeling overwhelmed our defense […]
Let’s Get Motivated

Martial Arts, Motivation and You!Let’s get motivated, maybe even using martial arts! Everyone needs a little motivation. Motivation is everywhere. Motivation is all around us. What motivation looks like depends on who you are and what makes you tick. When I was growing up the number one motivating factor I experienced was my Mom or […]
Confidence Learned

If Confidence is learned, can you win confidence by failing? The Martial Art of Winning by Failing… http://akflexington.comConfidence Learned (The Art of Not Arguing – But Winning)Get ready to focus, listen and confidence is learned! Have you ever heard any of these lines? Stay true to who you are. Do not bend to those who […]